From the Tips – FDL Golf Update

Dear Fleur-de-Lis Golf Members,

Happy New Year!  We hope this message finds you well and staying warm somewhere!  As we embark on a new year, we are excited to share a few things with you regarding our club and our communication efforts.  While we will continue with our popular weekly golf emails on Wednesdays, we will be adding additional messages and updates to help keep you informed about what is going on with our golf operations and on the golf courses!

Today’s message will be a little longer covering several topics, but we are also planning on providing frequent updates on specific topics as well.  Both forms of communication will live on the News Tab on our club App and club Website so that you can access them at your convenience.  So that you know that a new message or update has been posted, we will send out a push notification through the club App as well as post a note in the very next weekly golf email.

So let’s get started with today’s message which will include some of the following items:

  • An overview of our most recent happenings
  • Important messages
  • Insights on what to look forward to

What’s been happening around the club lately (besides cold snowy weather):

Golf Course Maintenance Crews

  • Tree work is one of the primary activities of our Golf Course Maintenance teams throughout the winter months.  Removing dead and dangerous trees along with any trees deemed a problem for the golf course such as the large tree near the cart path on Hole #3 at Persimmon Ridge which was preventing us from growing any grass as well as getting so large it was blocking shots to the green from the fairway.
  • Along with tree work, our crews stay busy cleaning and organizing their shops, performing repairs and maintenance on their equipment and sharpening the reels on the mowers.  Needless to say there is a never ending list of things to accomplish before the golf season rolls back around!

Golf Professional Teams

  • The offseason is also still a busy time for our Golf Professionals.  With the reduction of play their hours are spent planning for the upcoming season by setting up events and updating the files and webpages (Golf Genius) associated with those events.
  • Our Professional team is also continually learning and improving their skills by attending numerous webinars and seminars on various topics that pertain to our business as well as looking for new ideas for events and activities that will help you enjoy your time at the club.  The offseason is also the time our PGA Associates spend numerous hours completing projects and activities toward their PGA Education with the help of our PGA Professionals.

Important messages

In the interest of providing fair and balanced competition for our events, we are pleased to announce the introduction of a Handicap Committee as well as investment into a 3rd party data driven solution called Cap Patrol.

  • First and foremost we have established a Handicap Committee for Fleur-de-lis Clubs.  The committee is comprised of members from each of our three clubs.  Our committee chairman is Alex Lindle and he is the main point of contact for the committee to the membership.  The remainder of the committee will remain anonymous.  Alex will work with myself to communicate committee recommendations for handicap related matters and Alex will be the point person for members when it comes to these matters.
  • Secondly as one of the first recommendations from our committee, the club will be partnering with Cap Patrol.  Cap Patrol is a computer program that uses several algorithms to monitor 43 different criteria on each player with the goal of providing an equal playing field for all members participating in club tournaments.  Providing this type of environment is very important to our club and the continued success of our events and we are excited to partner with them moving forward!

Two more items to note on this topic:

  • All members wishing to participate in ANY of our club events must have their GHIN handicap set up with our club.  Even if you have a GHIN Handicap set up elsewhere you will need to have it set up with us as well.
  • To offset both an increase in our fees from GHIN and the cost of Cap Patrol we will be raising our annual GHIN Handicap Fee by $7 for the coming year.

Other important messages:

  • As we work on our events for the coming season we are planning on implementing some new features of the Golf Genius system.  The system has great new features as well as the ability to organize your specific events and registrations.  In order to unlock several of the new features each member will have to create a Golf Genius account (log in with password) at no cost.  By having each member log in we will be able to take advantage of these new features that we are confident will improve your experience!  Our professional team is working on building out all of the events for the season in Golf Genius.  Once it’s ready to go we will send out a communication to have you set up an account if you have not already done so.
  • In an effort to support our PGA Associates (Terence at Oxmoor, Greg at Polo Fields and Hayden at Persimmon Ridge) with their PGA education expenses we are establishing an associates fund.  As needed we will have fundraisers for this fund.  To get started we are donating two new Custom Fit Callaway Paradym AI Smoke Drivers for raffle with all proceeds going to this fund.  Watch our weekly golf emails for details and to help support this fund.

Be looking forward to:

  • Fleur-de-Lis 55 – Fleur-de-lis 55 is a series of short videos we will be posting from each club on various topics and posting them on our Social Media channels and website/app.
  • Cool new ideas from the PGA Show
  • Single topic updates from all three facilities on varying topics
  • Callaway Custom Fitting event featuring the new Paradym AI Smoke line of products is set for Saturday, February 17th at the Golf Academy Building.  What better way to start the new season than to get fit for the latest and greatest clubs!
  • Golf Shop Superbowl Pool! Look for more information in next week’s weekly newsletter.
  • Better weather…it’s only 40 days until March 1st.  Looking back, it’s already been that many days since December 11th and that seems like just a very short time ago doesn’t it??  Spring will be here before we know it!!

Be sure to check out our weekly golf emails every Wednesday for details and links to sign up for all of our events as they come along!  If you are not receiving our weekly emails and would like to, send us a note by clicking HERE.  Also be sure to follow us on your favorite social media channel for more content and updates!  And lastly if you have not downloaded our new club App, we highly recommend you do so.

FDL Clubs App – Apple Store Download

FDL Clubs App – Android Store Download


Persimmon Ridge Facebook

Persimmon Ridge Instagram


Polo Fields Facebook

Polo Fields Instagram 

Oxmoor Facebook

Oxmoor Instagram

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you around the club real soon!



Steve Shafer, PGA Director of Golf

Fleur-de-Lis Clubs


Karissa Hardesty, PGA

Assistant Director of Golf

Fleur-de-Lis Clubs

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